紅雅号 二代岩堀荘 猟期そろそろ終わりますが、2歳を超えた事もあってボリュームが気持ち出て来たかな。傷もできてしまいましたが。昨年パパにもなって良い子達出たので、今春も頑張ってもらおう。
Vega Go Nidai Iwahori Sou just over 2 years old. The hunting season ends for us tomorrow, and you can see that he's been bulking a bit in the mountains. A few battle scars too. He sired a litter toward the end of last year, and there were some very nice things there in the pups. Hopefully we'll have some more Vega pups this spring/summer.

Vega Go Nidai Iwahori Sou just over 2 years old. The hunting season ends for us tomorrow, and you can see that he's been bulking a bit in the mountains. A few battle scars too. He sired a litter toward the end of last year, and there were some very nice things there in the pups. Hopefully we'll have some more Vega pups this spring/summer.

Hello, do you have shikoku puppy?
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